Thursday, January 21, 2010

Boots Video

This was the first part of the session working with boots. You can kinda see what I do with him. Just keep at it til he settles. If he gives the wrong answer (yanking feet away, etc), then he "works" yielding the hindquarters. If he is REALLY bad, like tries to kick or something, then he gets backed up more severely and even will get a "bite" with the lead rope (like a boss mare would do).
This is my basic routine for most "difficult" horses. They are not beat on, and they get corrected right away if they give the wrong answer, but praised and get to relax if they give the correct answer. This leads to a calm, non-stressed horse, that as you can see in the trimming photos and video, results in a horse that stands untied and not held to be trimmed.

After the initial "training", which I had to repeat for picking up each of the four feet (which is why a half hour trim became a 3 hr trim, and it took a while to catch him from the outset, LOL), he was easy enough to work on. Here is his last foot, a back foot. Keep an eye out for the "pesky chicken" was pretty funny :)

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